Program Sessions

GoFA offers all five of our signature Learning Programs for the Incubator. They are designed to provide a comprehensive arc for Shared Future development through collaboration and co-creation.

Future architecture is a values-based collaborative practice toward systems change, so we have carefully designed VALUES (co-)creation as well as VALUE (co-)creation into the process with simultaneous focus on individual inner work and collective imagination/action.

Futurist Writers' Room (FWR): Democratize imagination, surface collective design principles and shared values (imagination/analysis)

Story, Rule and Money Workshop (SRM): Values-based systems intervention through the lenses of story, rule and money (analysis)

Community Model Canvas (CMC): 21st century updated business model canvas to reflect value creation and values creation, taking into account ecological balance and community resilience to achieve shared prosperity (strategy)

Group Dynamics Dojo (GDD): Harness group dynamics to work with shared and conflicting values (experiential skill-building)

5C Meditation (5CM): Elemental embodiment as a foundation to generate somatic and energetic INE flow (experiential skill-building)

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