Shared Future Collaborators Agreement
This agreement is made on _________ between the undersigned to confirm certain understandings and principles that all Parties will observe and adhere to during the course of their work together. Specifically, the purpose of this agreement is to articulate a shared vision of the future and an approach or plan that the Parties have developed together to see that shared vision come into being.
This agreement builds on the “Shared Future” work being pioneered by the Guild of Future Architects (GoFA), a US-based charity created to advance the field of future architecture in both theory and practice.
Name of the Shared Future: ___________________________________________
A list of Collaborators and participants: ______________________________________________________________________
Purpose of the Shared Future: Please provide a description of the who, what, where, and why of the system you are hoping to impact. What is your ‘mission’? What stands out most about the current ecosystem, field, industry, and/or community you intend to explore together? What do you aim for this Shared Future to contribute?
Activities: How do you offer yourselves to the pursuit of this Shared Future? What do you commit to practicing in a consistent and persistent manner? What will allow you to stay resilient along the way? Who else must you engage in your pursuit of this future? What are a few anticipated core activities?
Governance: What process will you use to make decisions as a group of collaborators? How will you divide roles and responsibilities? How will you resolve disputes?
Finances: How will you manage money associated with this Shared Future? Will you, or have you, created a formal business entity? Will you entrust the management of funds to a single person, as a sole proprietor? Or Will you require the Guild of Future Architects to act as the fiscal sponsor of the Shared Future (See details on fiscal sponsorship in Exhibit C)
Ownership: How will you determine ownership of any copyrightable or patentable products, processes or services that may be developed in this Shared Future?
Termination: How will you terminate the Shared Future?
Other: Any other specific terms we may wish to include:
The Parties agree:
To act in line with the ethos and best practices of future architecture as expressed and detailed here:
To equip themselves to imagine the form and focus for this Shared Future however they so choose
To work collaboratively and in good faith to accomplish their shared aspirations
To pursue financial capital collectively sufficient to support the endeavor collectively
To account for the fluidity necessary to wrestle with challenges at the systems level
To express their commitment to embody this work fully while acknowledging that they don’t know where it will lead them
To share the lessons learned through GoFA’s online and offline knowledge platforms
Each Collaborator named in this agreement takes personal responsibility for fulfilling the terms of this agreement or any supplement, regardless of the entities they are affiliated with.
We, the undersigned, agree to work together as set forth above to create a Shared Future.
Signatory #1
_______________________________________ Date:_____________
Name: ___________________________________________________
Signatory #2
_______________________________________ Date:_____________
Name: ___________________________________________________
Signatory #3
_______________________________________ Date:_____________
Name: ___________________________________________________
Last updated
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