Community Model Canvas



Our Community Model Canvas (CMC) is designed to help your team co-create strategy with community stakeholders, instead of for community stakeholders.

This framework mirrors the standard business model canvas by providing a visual chart with elements describing a project's value proposition, infrastructure, stakeholders, and finances. Beyond aligning activities by illustrating potential trade-offs, the CMC also helps with prioritization in the context of shared prosperity (via planetary balance and shared governance).

In our session, we will be focusing on the following sections:

  • Value Proposition

    In this section of the Community Model Canvas, participants should brainstorm value propositions that explain the value that the proposed shared future will bring to the community it seeks to serve. This proposition should make the case that the vision is worth the stakeholders’ time, resources and energy to change.

  • Cost Structure

    In this section participants will brainstorm the various types of expenses and resources that will flow out of the community or system through this strategic plan.

    Start with cash-based costs, then expand to other types of “outgoing value.”

  • Revenue Structure

    In this section participants will brainstorm the various types of revenue and assets that will flow into the community or system through this strategic plan.

    Start with cash flow, then expand to other types of “incoming value.”

  • Transactional Relationships

    In this section of the Community Model Canvas, participants should brainstorm the types of transactional relationships the community must establish in order to maintain financial viability. It's important to acknowledge power dynamics and clearly articulate how value is collectively set with intention.

  • Transactional Channels

    In the traditional Business Model Canvas, this section would call for an outline of the distribution channels for how the company delivers the value proposition to the customer/client. In the Community Model Canvas, we ask participants to brainstorm all the channels of value flow in the strategy.

Learn more about the Community Model Canvas here.

Last updated