Futurist Writers' Room


MURAL LINK: https://app.mural.co/t/gofa0510/m/gofa0510/1636127261384/3742f17479b6747c426b050bc594a5437f6e4dd8?sender=evan3591

How can we use our imagination and storytelling to disrupt old norms? How can we imagine new normals in which cultural, economic, and political systems are designed to engender greater levels of trust, justice, inclusion, equity, beauty, and balance with the earth?

From the alchemy of our community of practice, GoFA was able to develop a signature offering called The Futurist Writers’ Room (FWR). Kamal Sinclair, Tony Patrick, Madebo Fatunde, Rob Sinclair, and Lafayette Cruise were central to co-creating this approach with GoFA. Informed by the speculative future practices of changemakers such as adrienne maree brown, the methodologies of the USC World Building Institute, MIT’s Co-Creation Studio, and Sundance Institute’s New Frontier, the FWR helps future architects develop compelling and deeply grounded visions of the future.

As a tool for rapid prototyping, the FWR engages participants to create a multitude of speculative historiographies that result in a shared set of design principles. They jointly craft a speculative future narrative that results in a shared vision.

The FWR framework catalyzes collective imagination of the future as a precursor to support the development of what GoFA calls "Shared Futures." This program offers participants tools for collectively prototyping projects and collaborations for realizing a more inclusive, just, equitable, and optimal future.

See the "References and Links" section at left for more background on this program.

Facilitators and Advisors

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