Roadmap Sessions

Roadmap Sessions are designed for the New/s initiative staff to meet with each team to assess project status, resource needs and overall objectives for the Incubator period of October 2021 - January 2022.


  • Opening offerings: Reflections on journey and destination

    (5 min)

  • Where have you been?

    • What have you done over the last six months to develop your project, and where are you in your prototyping journey?

      (15 min)

    • Have the collaborators changed since you applied to the Incubator? If so, how and why? Are there individuals you would want to have as “guests” as part of the journey?

      (10 min)

    • How would you describe the community you will be working with to prototype your ideas in a co-creation process? How have you connected with them so far?

      (10 minutes)

  • How will you travel down this road together?

    (15 min)

    • How will your team function as the project evolves?

    • How do you intend to structure relationships with your community?

    • How will you make decisions when the rubber meets the road?

  • What do you need for this journey?

    (15 min)

    • How are you thinking about thrivability and sustainability?

    • What other resources can we help to cultivate? For example:

      • Research

      • Reinvention

      • Connections

      • Business model support

      • Rejuvenation

      • Something else we've forgotten?

    • Feedback on Orientation + FWW

  • Story Rule Money analysis

    (20 min)

    • Mapping the territory together

Last updated