Group Cohesion



GoFA Members Aisha Shillingford and Melinda Weekes-Laidlow, supported by Kadallah Burrowes, will lead us through a journey to explore each project teams' collectively-defined values. The conversation will include full-group discussion and breakout rooms with your project team to explore two themes: (1) communally defining core values and (2) creating compassionate, open-minded understanding of how we navigate conflict, both individually and collectively.

Some of the questions we could explore:

  • What have our ancestors taught us about how to do this work?

  • Where is there resonance within our group?

  • What is the collective container you are building right now that is capable of doing this work you've set out to do?

  • How are you building a container that can grow, shift, and morph as the work grows?

  • What can you learn from other organizations that inspire a similar level of depth and organizing?

  • What commitments do we want to make about how we navigate conflict, difference, disagreement and the painful aspects of growth and change?

  • What gifts am I bringing to this team?

  • What contributions do I want to be recognized for?

Last updated