Pillars & Programs


GoFA’s work centers around three pillars:

  1. A Community of Practice to cultivate trust, community cohesion and co-creation;

  2. Support for members’ Shared Futures, which envision new systems for transformation across ecosystems such as regenerative agriculture, climate change, justice and mental illness;

  3. Sharing Collective Wisdom, a system for capturing and sharing our learnings, adapting systems through co-creation, and transforming stories of more equitable systems design into real-life solutions

GoFA Learning Programs

GoFA currently offers five learning programs that can be run individually or in combination for a customized learning journey.

Programs offered to individuals:

  • Futurist Writers’ Room (#live #open_group)

  • 5C Meditation (#recorded)

Programs offered to teams:

  • Futurist Writers’ Room (#live #group)

  • Story/Rule/Money Workshop (#series #live #group)

  • Community Model Canvas Workshop (#series #live #group)

  • 5C Meditation (#series #live #group)

  • Group Dynamics Dojo (#series #live #group)


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